Wednesday 26 October 2016

Sketches from a wrestling match

In order to understand wrestling better and learn how to better portray this discipline as an artist 
I decided to make some quick observational sketches while watching a wrestling match between Andrew Howe and Jordan Burroughs . My sketches show different techniques and moves that are involved in wrestling : wrestling clinch, opponent trying to break a grip, attempt for a take down, pin down and more. I chose to make these sketches with coloured pencils that cannot be erased rather than with pencil because I wanted the lines to be more free and unpredictable. The outlines are more immediate rather than thought through. I purposely chose two different colours to sketch each fighter so that their techniques and grips are more visible. I think that making observational sketches from each martial art will help me to create better illustrations in the future, because I will learn how body movements and mechanics work behind each martial art. By drawing from observation I will get a better understanding of anatomy and how two fighting bodies relate to each other.


Thursday 20 October 2016

Wrestling caricature

In the next couple of posts I will be analysing visually martial arts disciplines that go into MMA. Today I will start with wrestling. The drawing I made today is a light caricature of a Olympic wrestler's body and his characteristics. Wrestlers most often have big necks, arms and legs because of the type of training they do : I exaggerated these features in my drawing because they are usually very noticeable and are a topic of inside jokes in the mma community. Other noticeable features are cauliflower ears, swollen eyes and bandages. 

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Broadening the research field

Originally I planned to only research illustration for mma fight wear. However after speaking to my colleagues and tutor at University I decided that by telling myself that the end goal has to be designs for mma clothing, I am limiting myself from other possible outcomes . In mma illustration is also used on posters, logos and books. I will keep on doing my research into how art is used for mma with an open mind for the final outcome. Perhaps I could make a short comic with funny stereotypical characters that you would find in mma gym or I will decide to come back to my first idea and print beautiful designs on textiles.

The sketches that I am posting today are inspired by fun posters that I have seen around the mma gyms. The first picture is a poster made by an unknown to me artist. The image is titled 'bad sports' it is taken out from series of posters that show stereotypical mma characters. In the illustration the artist mocks how some fighters come to the practise with bad breath, ill- fitting clothing, wounds with infections that can spread etc.

I made two sketches in similar cartoony style. The first sketch shows a stereotypical bjj-brazilian jiu jitsu 'geek' and the second one portrays an angry dragon holding a gorilla in a choke hold because he interrupted his coffee break.

Thursday 6 October 2016

First artwork

I would like to start my research by looking at the current most popular design subjects. One of them is a Japanese demon mask. This mask amongst many other was used in Japanese theatre in 14th Century. They represented different characters .

As a beginner to fight wear design I would like to start my artistic practise by drawing or painting simple designs and eventually increase the detail. This gradual process will help me to understand how these illustrations are created.

Eventually I will move into experimenting with different art forms, styles and themes and see if I can create something unusual.

However for now this is my first painting :

A research into illustration for martial arts fight wear

Attire design is a big part of today's mixed martial arts culture. It is much different to what it use to be. The fight wear no longer has to be traditional (white and plain) . Nowadays fascinating designs give the competitors and fighters more confidence and individuality. Their clothing now consists of amazingly illustrated designs. These illustrations are often very dramatic, expressive, vibrant and decorative. The influences for the designs are often taken from traditional Japanese art ,tales, cartoons, animals etc and each designer adds their own little twist.

For this project I would like to research the current fight wear designs as well as different contemporary and past art forms and illustration styles to help me create my own ideas. The end goal is to produce several finished illustrations that could be printed on the martial arts clothing